West Aurora church merges
After 163 years in ministry, Aurora Advent Christian Church holds farewell worship service

Dr. Vin Gupta addresses a critical community health need.
Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) save lives.

Till is a must-see movie that will hopefully bend our country’s moral arc closer to a more just society.
‘Till’ is a mandatory movie for our times

If you refuse to identify and call it what it is then you are in danger from suffering its ravages.
Hesham Shehab: Jesus Heals a Man with a Demon

Former churches... Fourth St. UMC & Flowing Grace UMC
After 4-year ministry, Aurora Methodist church holds final worship service

Food drive coming this Saturday to Aurora & the Fox Valley
Letter Carriers 30th Food Drive Will Help Feed Needy Families in All 50 States; Aurora & Fox Valley

“First Share” of STEM supplies
Closing: Aurora’s SciTech Hands-On Museum Announces Future Plans; “Last Look” on June 3

Sons of Norway meeting at St. Olaf Church, Montgomery
At remembrance service, Fox Valley Norwegian-Americans honor deceased brothers, sister

A timely video commentary.
John H. Armstrong: Was Reinhold Niebuhr’s Critique of Evangelicalism Accurate? (video)