Tag: Aurora University
The product of five years of research...
Aurora U. prof, B. Kooi, pens ‘Seven Highly Effective Police Leaders: 1895-Modern Times’

AURORA, Ill., Sept. 21, 2021 — Brandon Kooi of Naperville, Aurora University criminal justice professor, has written “Seven Highly Effective Police Leaders: 1895-Modern Times.” The product of five years ofRead More
The prerecorded virtual concert airs at noon Sunday, Dec. 6, at aurora.edu/Christmas.
Aurora University to perform virtual yule concert

AURORA, Ill., Dec. 4, 2020 — Aurora University ’s annual Christmas concert goes virtual this year. The university’s music and theater departments present students and faculty members in “There’s NoRead More
The university published the 560-page paperback illustrated with vintage photos...
Aurora professor’s book chronicles university’s origins

AURORA, Ill., Nov. 23, 2020 — Aurora author and retired professor Susan L. Palmer has written “Occupy till I Come: The Origins of Aurora University in Mendota, Illinois, 1893-1912.” PalmerRead More