Tag: vaccine
J&J Vaccination at Aurora Juneteenth
Community COVID Vaccination Clinic at Aurora Juneteenth Freedom & Heritage Celebration Saturday

Aurora, Ill., June 16, 2021 – The Kane County Health Department (KCHD) will host a COVID-19 vaccination clinic this Saturday, June 19 from 3:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. at DrRead More
Is the churches uses of medical missions limited to overseas?
Churches and faith-based groups vaccinating can be a medical mission

Batavia, Ill., June 3, 2021 — So the Chicago White Sox were offering incentives to promote COVID-19 vaccinations. What can the church do to promote vaccinations to their congregants andRead More
“My father was a firm believer in medicine. He believed in it, so he would have been a supporter — no question,” he said.
Franklin Graham urges evangelicals to get vaccinated before it’s ‘too late’

by: Emily McFarlan Miller May 17, 2021 (RNS) — Franklin Graham pleaded with evangelical Christians to get vaccinated against COVID-19 in an interview with Axios that appeared over the weekendRead More
PBS Newshour interviews SBC leader
Russell Moore: “A vaccination is not only something that’s acceptable for Christians”

“A vaccination is not only something that’s acceptable for Christians. It’s something we ought to thank God that we have the technology for because it’s going to get us backRead More
But when it comes to medicine, count Graham an advocate.
Franklin Graham unfazed after evangelical base blasts him for encouraging vaccines

by: Yonat Shimron March 26, 2021 (RNS) — As Facebook posts go, it was pretty straightforward. “ I have …been asked if Jesus were physically walking on earth now, wouldRead More
As troubling, white evangelicals are the least likely to say they should consider the health effects on their community when making a decision to be vaccinated.
Black Protestants aren’t least likely to get a vaccine; white evangelicals are

by: Yonat Shimron March 5, 2021, (RNS) — Since before the COVID-19 vaccines hit the market, it has been predicted that Black Americans would choose to be vaccinated at dramaticallyRead More
The group is now calling on churches to stop meeting in person and to move their services online.
Stay home, evangelical medical organization tells churches as COVID spreads

by: Bob Smietana Nov. 20, 2020 (RNS) — For months, the leaders of the Christian Medical and Dental Associations have urged churches to social distance, wear masks and do theirRead More