Aurora Faith News
Domestic mission trips are designed to create opportunities for students to engage in either relational ministry or construction work.
Aurora Methodists to lend assistance to Oklahoma City tornado victims
The nonprofit center, sponsored by Dominican Sisters of Springfield, mobilizes female tutors to teach women to read, write and speak English
Aurora Dominican Literacy Center caps 25th anniversary with parade march
The New York Times, The Beacon-News, Chicago Tribune, The Voice, and other media covering Waysides's new resident.
Update: The NY Times joins the coverage Wayside Cross Ministries’ ministry and Thomas Kokoraleis
This is the 20th season for the co-ed league and it’s completely free for participating children ages 6-12.
It’s opening day for Wayside’s summer youth baseball… June 1
With college students from around the nation, the Aurora team will serve families in need on the border in Reynosa and Miguel Aleman, Mexico.
Aurora Methodists to assist Mexico poor
Pastor Derek Rogers opened the ceremony by introducing confirmands to the congregation.
New Aurora church celebrates first youth members
An event organized by Pastor Randy Schoof that began as a bike blessing in the church parking lot...