This is the 20th season for the co-ed league and it’s completely free for participating children ages 6-12.
It’s opening day for Wayside’s summer youth baseball… June 1

Aurora, Ill., May 24, 2019 — It’s opening day for two hundred at-risk kids in Aurora. Every year, children of deserving families in Aurora experience the joy of baseball in a nurturing, Christ-centered environment as participants in Urban Youth Ministry’s (UYM) Aurora Neighborhood Baseball League (ANBL).
This is the 20th season for the co-ed league and it’s completely free for participating children ages 6-12. When they strap on their helmets, lace up their cleats, and put on the team jersey with their very own number, the transformation and confidence in dramatic. Taking the field T-ball ages 6-8 and ANBL ages 9-12.
The league is comprised of 13 teams named after the most recognized teams in Major League Baseball. But on opening day, players and their families will also enjoy complimentary hot dogs and more, thanks to the generous support of Harvest New Beginning Church. They are just one of the many church partners of UYM.
On Saturday, June 1st, 2019, the first opening day pitch takes place at 10:25 a.m. A free lunch will be served from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. by Harvest New Beginnings Church as team play takes place from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Opening day takes place at Dr. Martin Luther King (MLK) Park – 42 N. Farnsworth Ave, Aurora, IL 60505.
The ANBL was founded in 1999 as a summer program for at-risk youth participating in Urban Youth Ministry’s year-round supportive services. It carries on the legacy of former Chicago White Stockings (Chicago White Sox) 3-time pennant-winning outfielder, and Evangelist Bill Sunday, the man who inspired local churches to commission Wayside Cross Ministries in 1920 to assist the homeless, addicted and abused. Today Wayside is comprised of six distinct divisions or ministries. But the Urban Youth Ministry is Wayside’s only preventative support program that seeks to stem the tide at-risk youth face where 80% of the incarcerated come from fatherless and broken families. The ANBL seeks to instill confidence, and team building in a Christ-centered, family-friendly environment. It draws on the support of local church partners to provide year-round programs and support for deserving families.
More info on 2019 ANBL: This year, league sponsors include: Woodman’s Food Market, Geneva Construction, Your House Real Estate Academy, AGAPE – Ringo Leon, Advance Lifts, Westminister Presbyterian Church, Aurinko – Yvonne & Rich Fawell, Jesus Is Lord – Michael Rhoades, Fairview Dental, RSNI- Imaging Specialists, R.C. Wegman Construction, Easter Seals Du Page, Dick’s Mini Donuts, Sons of Promise — Jenni Petty, Artlip & Sons.
The Urban Youth Ministry (UYM) is one of the six Bible-based, Christ Centered divisions of Wayside Cross Ministries dedicated to transforming the lives of people in need. Wayside is a registered 5013c non-profit based in Aurora, Illinois. Learn more about UYM at:

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John Ross on Saturday, April 23, 2016 launched XPian News, a part of Daybreak Communications, Inc. Ross is the facilitator of Aurora Christian Ministry Network (ACMN) and a member of the Fox Valley Christian Ministerial Alliance (FVCMA). He serves on the boards of Wayside Cross Ministries and the Kiwanis Club of Aurora. As a follower of Jesus, he has been for some 40 years a member of First Presbyterian Church - Aurora. He has an M.A. - Christian Leadership from Wheaton College Graduate School and undergraduate at Trinity International University.
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