John Ross
But faculty adviser Jill White hopes it's not too late for the paper.
Moody Bible Institute to stop publishing student paper

Writer and collaborator Sarah Bessey tweeted that Evans was surrounded by close friends and family at the end...
Rachel Held Evans, Christian writer of honesty and humor, dies at age 37

An event organized by Pastor Randy Schoof that began as a bike blessing in the church parking lot...
Motorcycle Sunday 2019 in Aurora shows God’s love reaches no limits

The move comes as Harvest transitions to a new board of elders this week and prepares to move forward under new leaders.
Harvest Bible Chapel apologizes as it installs new elder board

So when news broke last month that Pence would speak at Taylor's upcoming commencement, reactions were mixed.
‘Who’s doing Christianity right?’ At Taylor University, Pence invitation highlights evangelical divide.

The rabbi was among a group of leaders from different faiths who joined President Trump at the event
Trump, rabbi of attacked synagogue observe National Day of Prayer at White House

[S]hows that despite the grim spike in violence against Jews, physical assaults remained relatively rare.
ADL study: Violence against Jews doubled last year

[W]e as a society must take pause and reflect on what is driving ignorance and hatred