John Ross
Best-selling author, international speaker, and co-founder of Saddleback Church, Lake Forest, Calif.
Kay Warren, Suicide Prevention Advocate – Live (Oct. 5-6) at Christ Community Church

Editor's Links of Interest
Don’t Underestimate the Impact of Lowering the US Refugee Ceiling – Christianity Today
That’s the lowest number of admissions a president has set since the refugee resettlement program started in the 1980s.
Drop in refugee admissions met with outcry from faith-based resettlement agencies

Global Christian humanitarian organization mourns the proposed Presidential Determination and urges the White House not to abandon refugees
World Relief Denounces Proposed FY2020 Refugee Cap of 18,000

Editor's Links of Interest
Trump Administration Drastically Cuts Number Of Refugees Allowed To Enter The U.S. – NPR
Alderman Judd Lofchie of the 10th Ward voted against the grant application.
Aurora City Council moves forward with a McCarty Park grant application, 9-1

Nevertheless, the vitriol of recent months has created misunderstandings about evangelicals themselves.
Opinion: Who’s an evangelical and who gets to decide?

Relevant founder Cameron Strang announced his leave of absence...
Relevant magazine founder ‘stepping away’ from role

But this year, no one is combining faith — however broadly defined — and politics as acutely as Sarah Riggs Amico...
In Georgia, a Democrat launches a campaign that’s all about faith