World Relief Issues Statement in Response to the Passing of Rev. Billy Graham

BALTIMORE, Feb. 21, 2018  – In response to the passing of Rev. Billy Graham, World Relief issues the following remarks:

“Billy Graham was often affectionately referred to as ‘America’s Pastor.’ He was admired by people of all faiths and none. For decades, he gladly gave spiritual counsel to presidents, regardless of ideology or party.

He confronted racial segregation at a pivotal moment in America’s history, personally tearing down the dividers that separated blacks from whites at his meetings. He truly believed that all were created equal in the sight of God, and that the Gospel of Jesus was for everyone in every corner of the globe.

Not only in the words he preached, but also very simply the humble and gracious manner in which he lived his life displayed a man wholly committed to the cause of Christ. His message was always crystal clear: that hope is always in reach if we are willing to accept the free gift of salvation made possible through Jesus. While passionately delivering that message, Rev. Graham also cared deeply for the physical wellbeing of the vulnerable. In fact, in one of his last public interviews, he said that “poverty in the world” was what worried him most.

Our sincere prayers are with the extended Graham family today. Thank you for sharing the treasure that Rev. Graham was with the rest of the world. His impact for the Kingdom has been immeasurable.

John Ross on Saturday, April 23, 2016 launched XPian News, a part of  Daybreak Communications, Inc. Ross is the facilitator of Aurora Christian Ministry Network (ACMN) and a member of the Fox Valley Christian Ministerial Alliance (FVCMA). He serves on the boards of Wayside Cross Ministries and the Kiwanis Club of Aurora. As a follower of Jesus, he has been for some 40 years a member of First Presbyterian Church - Aurora. He has an M.A. - Christian Leadership from Wheaton College Graduate School and undergraduate at Trinity International University.

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