Tag: Derek Rogers
Rev. Clyde Galow of Aurora, 91, a retired United Methodist minister, became the first congregant to accept Pastor Rogers invitation.
Exploring ‘Who Is This Man?’ Congregants invited to share pulpit
Rev. Derek Rogers, Flowing Forth pastor, opened a four-week sermon series titled "B-List Christmas" by preaching on Luke.
Aurora Methodists open Advent season with music, candles
Rev. Rogers and other attendees learned about potential next steps for the UMC denomination...
Aurora pastor explores future of Methodism
Aurora's Flowing Forth United Methodist Church will celebrate its first birthday
Aurora church plans two-Sunday birthday party
Domestic mission trips are designed to create opportunities for students to engage in either relational ministry or construction work.
Aurora Methodists to lend assistance to Oklahoma City tornado victims
With college students from around the nation, the Aurora team will serve families in need on the border in Reynosa and Miguel Aleman, Mexico.
Aurora Methodists to assist Mexico poor
Pastor Derek Rogers opened the ceremony by introducing confirmands to the congregation.
New Aurora church celebrates first youth members
Aurora Methodists to conclude 'Small but Mighty' sermon series on Bible's lesser known books