John Ross
The service, perhaps the first led by the church's elders in Willow Creek's 44-year history...
Willow Creek elders preach reconciliation after allegations against Hybels

by: Emily McFarlan MillerSOUTH BARRINGTON, Ill., July 24, 2019 (RNS) — Battered. Weary. Divided. That’s how elder Shoji Boldt described Willow Creek Community Church at a service of worship andRead More
But an increasingly vocal band of advocates and experts says the Trump administration’s policies have failed to address many of the challenges faced by Christians...
Trump aims to protect persecuted Christians, but some aren’t sure he’s helping

by: Jack Jenkins July 25, 2019 (RNS) — Just weeks into President Trump’s first term, David Brody of the Christian Broadcasting Network asked the businessman-turned-politician whether he would make theRead More
Editor's Links of Interest
Aurora attorneys say they will not pursue Wayside residents with criminal charges, but option ultimately up to state’s attorney – The Beacon-News
While the 19 convicted child sex offenders living at Wayside Cross in Aurora will likely not have to move out of the mission by Thursday, there is still a largeRead More
“The U.S. refugee resettlement and placement program is the crown jewel of America’s humanitarian program,”....
World Relief Strongly Condemns the Trump Administration for its Reported Plan to Abandon Persecuted Christians and Other Refugees

BALTIMORE, Md. , July 18, 2019 – Today, POLITICO reported that the Trump administration is considering zeroing out the number of refugees resettled in 2020. World Relief strongly condemns thisRead More
Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) comes the Chicago area
It’s the planes… group demonstrates how aviation proclaims Jesus

SUGAR GROVE, Ill., July 19, 2019 -— Planes were taking off and landing in a demonstration at Aurora’s Municipal Airport of how aviation proclaims Jesus to the world . MissionRead More
The shift could devastate the refugee resettlement program....
Faith groups fear the end of refugee resettlement in the U.S.

by: Jack Jenkins July 19, 2019(RNS) — Faith-based groups that help the U.S. government resettle refugees fear the future of their work is in jeopardy, after learning that the TrumpRead More