John Ross
“It’s intentional, being a reconciler.”
John Perkins: On race and the church, authentic friendship, considering heaven

Wright, a retired Anglican bishop and now chair of New Testament and early Christianity at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland, is author more than 80 popular and academic books about Christianity and the Bible.
N.T. Wright explains the world of the New Testament in new book

Editor's Links of Interest
Crosby: City of Aurora’s recommendation to cut funding to Wayside’s youth program has a bad look -The Beacon-News
Songs and religious praise from diverse congregations throughout the Aurora area will be featured.
InterFaith Aurora Presents ‘One Aurora: Community. Diversity. Empathy.’ A Thanksgiving Celebration of Music, Friendship
Is there a better approach churches can take to dealing with sexual sin?
Opinion: Sex scandals show why evangelicals need to recover the sacrament of confession

Fred Rogers’ widow shared churchgoing traditions and a love for music with her husband...
Joanne Rogers: On her husband Fred Rogers’ commitment to prayer, church, children

[A} drama based on the of real-life friendship between Fred Rogers and journalist Tom Junod.
MOVIES: A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

Patterson feared Luter would fail to nominate future leaders of denominational boards and agencies who would continue the conservative resurgence...
Paige Patterson feared backslide after election of first black SBC president

That’s the finding in the latest Pew Research poll, which found that 63% of Americans say churches and other houses of worship should stay out of politics...
Americans to religious organizations: Stay out of politics