John Ross
Clearly, Trump’s support has declined while Biden’s lead, about 5 percentage points in both April and May, jumped to nearly 14 percentage points in June.
Opinion: Surveys suggest protests, not pandemic, have lost Trump white evangelical support

The survey from the American Enterprise Institute showed that 64% of Americans said they were “somewhat uncomfortable” or “very uncomfortable” attending in-person worship.
Survey: Most Americans aren’t comfortable going back to religious services

Protesters on Friday toppled a Serra statue in San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park.
California bishops say protesters ‘failed the test’ of history in toppling Junipero Serra statues

Beginning with the end of the Civil War, Vischer enumerates in the video the damage segregation...
‘VeggieTales’ creator Phil Vischer releases viral video on race in America

The march, led by communities of faith, went past the lakefront, past...
Chicago celebrates Juneteenth with interfaith march through iconic Grant Park

"The world is waiting for us to come together..."
African American leaders call for Southern Baptists to stand together in unity

The church hadn’t had a full-time senior pastor in nearly two years...
Amid protests and pandemic, Dave Dummitt steps in as senior pastor of Willow Creek

“An employer who fires an individual merely for being gay or transgender violates Title VII...”
Supreme Court rules that federal law protects LGBTQ persons from employment discrimination