John Ross
MacDonald was given the right to continue his ministry called Walk in the Word...
James MacDonald and Harvest Bible Chapel reach multimillion-dollar agreement

by: Yonat Shimron Oct. 20, 2020 (RNS) — The Chicago-area megachurch Harvest Bible Chapel has reached a multimillion-dollar agreement with its former pastor James MacDonald, who was fired last yearRead More
Only 35% of white evangelicals said the coronavirus is of critical concern...
Poll: White evangelicals are religious outliers on every issue of concern to voters

by: Yonat Shimron Oct. 19, 2020 (RNS) — As they head to the polls, nearly all religious Americans say the coronavirus is the most critical issue facing the country, aRead More
The campaign seeks to mobilize Christians to stand against the Trumpist culture of predatory behavior, outright lies...
Michael Wear to join leadership committee for ‘Christians against Trumpism & Political Extremism’

BOSTON, Oct. 19,2020 — “Christians Against Trumpism & Political Extremism” has announced the addition of Michael Wear, former faith advisor to President Obama and founder of Public Square Strategies, LLC,Read More
Everyone is welcome, no ID or referral is needed.
Northern Illinois Food Bank… Pop-up Market on Oct. 20 at Aldi – headquarters Batavia

BATAVIA, Ill., Oct. 16, 2020 – On Tuesday, Oct. 20, the Northern Illinois Food Bank in partnership with Aldi Inc. will be providing a mobile Pop-up Market in the parkingRead More
By comparison, Obama set that number at 110,000 his last year in office.
Refugee data on religion disappears as fewer persecuted Christians admitted to United States

by: Emily McFarlan Miller Oct.13, 2020 (RNS) — The State Department no longer is making publicly available a number of statistics about refugees admitted into the United States, including theirRead More
Feucht played before a mostly maskless crowd gathered on a public square in front of the Nashville Metropolitan Courthouse.
Christian musician Sean Feucht brings COVID worship protest to Nashville, had no permit say health officials

by: Bob Smietana NASHVILLE, Oct. 12, 2020 (RNS) — Christian musician Sean Feucht brought his worship protest tour to Nashville on Sunday (Oct. 11). Feucht played before a mostly masklessRead More