John Ross
For the first time since the late 1930s, fewer than half of Americans say they belong to a church...
Gallup: Fewer than half of Americans belong to a church or other house of worship

by: Bob Smietana March 29, 2021 (RNS) — Ask Americans if they believe in God and most will say yes. But a growing number have lost faith in organized religion.Read More
But when it comes to medicine, count Graham an advocate.
Franklin Graham unfazed after evangelical base blasts him for encouraging vaccines

by: Yonat Shimron March 26, 2021 (RNS) — As Facebook posts go, it was pretty straightforward. “ I have …been asked if Jesus were physically walking on earth now, wouldRead More
Annual Community Event Commemorates the Resurrection of Jesus
Churches Unite for Aurora Easter Sunrise Service at McCarty Park

AURORA, Ill., March 26, 2021 – Several Aurora churches are uniting for a brief Easter sunrise (6:30 a.m.) worship service at Aurora’s historic McCarty Park, East Galena Boulevard at FourthRead More
“Aaron’s actions are antithetical to everything that we believe and teach as a church...”
Church removes Atlanta shooting suspect from membership, urges ‘no blame’ on victims

by: Adelle M. Banks March 19, 2021 (RNS) — The church of the alleged gunman in the fatal shootings of eight people, including six Asian women, in Atlanta-area spas hasRead More
Of the seismic changes brought by COVID-19, the expansion of online platforms for churches is perhaps the biggest.
Churches’ embrace of technology likely permanent

by: Scott Barkley NASHVILLE, March 10. 2021 (BP) – Facebook timelines changed forever on Sunday, March 15, 2020. Many if not most churches opted to go digital-only that day afterRead More
“This is one great example of a partnership between government and faith-based organizations,” said [Melissa] Rogers
Fauci and Collins join interfaith leaders at cathedral vaccine ‘confidence event’

by: Adelle M. Banks WASHINGTON, March 17, 2021 (RNS) — In a socially distant but united “confidence event” at the Washington National Cathedral, leaders of the Washington area’s faith, medicalRead More