[W]ill offer drive-up ashes from 5 to 7 p.m. Wednesday...
Celebrating Ash Wednesday safely: Aurora Methodists to impose ashes with Q-Tip, celebrate ‘Lent-in-a-bag’

AURORA, Ill., Feb. 14, 2021 — Worshipping safely in the pandemic, Aurora Methodists will pivot for Ash Wednesday, Feb. 17.
Rev. Derek Rogers, pastor of Flowing Faith United Methodist Church in Aurora, will offer drive-up ashes from 5 to 7 p.m. Wednesday in the parking lot at Aurora Christian Schools, 2255 Sullivan Rd. in Aurora. The public is invited.
Rev. Rogers said, “I’m going to be sitting in my car with my seat heaters on and just getting out when people come.
“People will drive up in our parking lot. I’ll get out of the car. We’ll use a Q-tip to make the sign of the cross on their forehead and say a little prayer.”
Additionally, church volunteers will deliver to families homes “Lent in a Bag,” a bag containing a plastic bag of ashes and a Lenten study book coordinated with planned sermons leading up to Easter. In November, the church delivered 50 Advent-in-a-bag candles, a plastic holiday wreath and other materials to families for at-home worship.
Founded in 2018, Flowing Forth held in-person worship services indoors at Aurora Christian before the pandemic. Drive-in services were held in the church parking lot until cold weather in October.
Call (630) 239-2321 or (815) 955-2129 or visit flowingforthumc.org for more information.
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