Tag: White Evangelicals
Among Catholics overall, Biden — himself a Catholic — fought Trump to a stalemate
Study: Trump expanded evangelical support in 2020, but Biden gained with other white Christians

The event was hosted by Wheaton College’s Humanitarian Disaster Institute.
Francis Collins urges evangelicals: ‘Love your neighbor,’ get COVID-19 vaccine

As troubling, white evangelicals are the least likely to say they should consider the health effects on their community when making a decision to be vaccinated.
Black Protestants aren’t least likely to get a vaccine; white evangelicals are

He (Donald Trump) in many ways became the face of white evangelicalism.
Opinion: Evangelical Christians once were saved. After Trump, they’re lost.

Only 35% of white evangelicals said the coronavirus is of critical concern...
Poll: White evangelicals are religious outliers on every issue of concern to voters

“It wasn’t so much a debate as a shouting match with no structure,” he [Kyle Meyaard-Schaap] said.
Complaints on Trump’s debate performance highlight generational divide among white evangelicals

White evangelicals are certainly complicit in our country’s history of systemic racism and overt nationalism...
Opinion: Demonizing white evangelicals won’t solve our political divisions

A nation that still honors Confederate signs in public places signals its belief that Black people are less important than white people...
Opinion: Rejecting symbols of hate is more than symbolic