Tag: Wesley UMC
(Rev. Bill Obalil) succeeds Rev. John Bell who has begun a four-month renewal leave scheduled to end Aug. 12.
Aurora’s Wesley United Methodist Church names interim pastor

by Al BensonAURORA, Ill., April 28, 2019—Rev. Bill Obalil of Arlington Heights has assumed duties as interim pastor at Wesley United Methodist Church in Aurora. Obalil debuted in the WesleyRead More
The service is at 7 p.m. Wednesday, March 6, at Sugar Grove UMC...
Five Fox Valley Methodist churches to hold community Ash Wednesday service

SUGAR GROVE, Ill., Feb. 25, 2019 — Five Fox Valley United Methodist churches will partner in a joint Ash Wednesday service to open Lent. The service is at 7 p.m. Wednesday, March 6,Read More
Local Northern Illinois Conference churches and ministries offered prayers and vigils.
Methodists pray for the Henry Pratt shooting victims

AURORA, Ill., Feb. 21, 2019–After the shooting at the Henry Pratt manufacturing facility in Aurora, Ill., local Northern Illinois Conference churches and ministries offered prayers and vigils. Five people wereRead More
The Matt Erion Dodeca Band, a 12-piece Aurora group, will perform a variety of spiritual music...
Aurora Methodists to stage Fat Tuesday jazz concert

Feb. 15, 2019 AURORA, Ill. — Flowing Forth United Methodist Church in Aurora will stage a Mardi Gras-style jazz concert at 7 p.m. on Fat Tuesday, March 5, the lastRead More