Tag: Wayside Cross Ministries
Supporting the Aurora Neighborhood Baseball League & more
Aurora youth ministry to hold barbecue dinner fundraiser

AURORA, Ill., May 8, 2021 — Urban Youth Ministry, a program of Wayside Cross Ministries in Aurora, will hold a drive-thru barbecue dinner fundraiser Thursday, May 13, from 4:30 toRead More
Campers received instruction in fundamentals of batting, throwing, catching, fielding and baserunning.
Aurora youth hone baseball skills at free training camp

AURORA, Ill., May 3, 2021 — Play ball! That was the theme of 11th annual Aurora Islanders’ youth baseball camp Saturday, May 1, at Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. ParkRead More
Also registration for the Aurora Neighborhood Baseball League sponsored by Wayside Cross Ministries.
Free Aurora youth baseball camp Saturday

AURORA, Ill., April 29, 2021 — The 12th annual Aurora Islanders baseball camp for kids is Saturday, May 1, from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Dr. Martin Luther KingRead More
Editor's Links of Interest
The Beacon-News… Column: Coat shortage drives request from Wayside Cross for donations
Because of the pandemic, donations of winter clothes did not roll in as usual over the summer months, leading to surprisingly depleted stockpiles for those in need in Aurora. ReadRead More
Editor's Links of Interest
Crosby: Pandemic strikes out chance for at-risk youth to play ball — The Beacon-News
Columnist Denise Crosby: Pandemic strikes out chance for at-risk youth to play ball Read Denise Crosby’s column in The Beacon-News: Crosby: Pandemic strikes out chance for at-risk youth to playRead More
Editor's Links of Interest
Crosby: From Kokoraleis to coronavirus, it’s been quite a year at Wayside in Aurora – The Beacon-News
Looking back on the last 12 months, which started with a convicted killer moving in and now includes a global pandemic, Wayside Cross Executive Director James Lukose can only sighRead More
Editor's Links of Interest
Crosby: Attorneys for Wayside Cross child sex offenders, Kane state’s attorney hold ‘productive’ meeting – The Beacon-News
The Kane County State’s Attorney’s office, which has remained tight-lipped about what the future holds for the men at Wayside Cross who a judge ruled are in violation of aRead More
Wayside attornys & state's attorney's office to meet
Wayside Cross, state’s attorney to work on plan that will help child sex offenders leave downtown Aurora mission – The Beacon-News
Relief replaced angst when lawyers for Wayside Cross residents and officials from Kane County State’s Attorney Joe McMahon’s office agreed to sit down and iron out a plan that “givesRead More
Editor's Links of Interest
Judge rules Aurora can notify Wayside Cross sex offenders to move – The Beacon-News
A judge’s denial of a temporary restraining order Friday lifted restrictions the city of Aurora had on notifying Kane County authorities that the child sex offenders at Wayside are inRead More