Tag: Al Benson
Rev. Gavin stressed “...the actual church, the people, will worship in the Peace House next door.”
Old Aurora church bell’s last toll; Retirement begins building’s sale, deconsecration process

“Our hard working ReStore staff needs energetic volunteers to help them out with the many projects that are underway!”
Wanted: Volunteers to help open Habitat ReStore

The ReStore will fill spaces vacated by Office Depot and Party City...
Montgomery Habitat for Humanity seeks donations to open ReStore Sept. 25

Domestic mission trips are designed to create opportunities for students to engage in either relational ministry or construction work.
Aurora Methodists to lend assistance to Oklahoma City tornado victims

Sponsored by InterFaith Aurora,
Aurora Methodists to host ‘Celebrating Neighbors,’ interfaith Thanksgiving celebration Nov. 18

Habitat for Humanity to provide information about or prospective homeowners Oct. 24
Learn about Habitat for Humanity home-ownership Oct. 24
Proceeds benefit Habitat's 2018 Faith Build
Geneva church’s chili and chocolate fundraiser to benefit Habitat for Humanity
‘I encourage your continuing ministry here’: Aurora pastor leaves Methodist church
Aurora Methodist minister says goodbye

Rev. Jerome L. “Father Jerry” Leake, 76, pastor at St. Joseph Catholic Church, was honored on his 50th anniversary of ordination.
Aurora priest celebrates 50 years of ministry, 38 years as police chaplain