Looking at health issues.
Among the first to pray: former Vice President Joe Biden, Trump's rival in the current presidential race.
Faith leaders offer prayers as President Trump tests positive for COVID-19

[Karen] Roberts said a truck will be parked at the church, 325 E Downer Place in Aurora, through Oct. 25 to receive donations of used manual wheelchairs...
Aurora Church helps get wheelchairs to disabled Africans

“Their co-morbidities contribute to their outcome, but it’s not their cause of death. COVID is the cause of death.”
John MacArthur claimed there is ‘no pandemic.’ He was politicizing science, experts say

Falwell claims he and his wife faced “increasingly threatening behavior” and even threats of extortion.
Falwell releases statement, claims wife’s affair led to mental health issues

To date, the statement has been signed by 2,500 Christians; among them are theologians N.T. Wright and Richard Mouw, and the presidents of several seminaries...
2,500 evangelicals sign pandemic statement warning: Don’t ignore science

Planned Parenthood of Greater New York (PPGNY) announced Tuesday (July 21) it will remove Sanger’s name from its Manhattan Health Center...
Pro-lifers: More needed to disavow Sanger’s eugenics legacy