John Ross
Do they continue to try to court the rapidly growing group of religiously unaffiliated Americans...
RNS Opinion: Democratic Party is at an inflection point when it comes to courting religious voters

by: Ryan Burge Oct. 1, 2019 (RNS) — A few weeks ago the Democratic National Committee passed a resolution regarding the religiously unaffiliated. In it, the committee contends that “the religiouslyRead More
New book by Jim Wallis
RNS Opinion: How we can use the current crisis in politics and Christianity to reclaim Jesus

by: Jim Wallis Sept. 30, 2019 (RNS) — I remember a breakfast conversation with a member of Congress in Washington, DC, in 2017 about the relationship between faith and politics.Read More
The FFRF, a watchdog group that works to protect the separation of church and state.
Watchdog files complaint after judge gave Bible to Botham Jean murderer

by: Adelle M. Banks Oct. 4, 2019 (RNS) — The Freedom From Religion Foundation has filed a letter of complaint with a Texas judicial conduct commission against a Dallas judgeRead More
This is fearmongering cleverly disguised as a message to take spiritual comfort in the will of a sovereign God.
RNS Opinion: Trump evangelicals bewail ‘civil war’ while still profiting from last one

by: John Fea Oct. 3, 2019 (RNS) — In 2016, I used the term “court evangelicals” to describe the evangelical Christians who frequent the White House to pray for PresidentRead More
Editor's Links of Interest
Aurora’s Dominican Literacy Center changing women’s lives through mentoring – Chicago Sun-Times (Give Chicago 10/3/19)
For 25 years, one very determined nun’s program has been pairing volunteer English-speaking tutors one-on-one with women who need literacy skills. The results have been life-changing. Source: Aurora’s Dominican LiteracyRead More
The former head of the CIA identified what he called the worst offenders of principles of religious freedom...
In Rome, Pompeo and Brownback invoke glory days of US-Vatican alliance

by: Claire Giangravé VATICAN CITY, Oct. 2, 2019 (RNS) — U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo took part in a symposium with high-ranking Vatican officials on Wednesday (Oct. 2) toRead More