John Ross
Editor's Links of Interest
Church nativity depicts Jesus, Mary and Joseph as family separated at border – NBC News
“What if this family sought refuge in our country today?” the Southern California church said in a Facebook post. Source: Church nativity depicts Jesus, Mary and Joseph as family separatedRead More
Sheen was an early adopter of mass media as a form of evangelization in the United States...
Sainthood process for Fulton Sheen stalled

by: Jack Jenkins Dec. 3, 2019 (RNS) — The beatification of late Catholic Archbishop Fulton Sheen was postponed this week, marking the latest setback on the road to sainthood forRead More
Pope Francis said the scene “is a genuine way of communicating the gospel..."
Pope Francis wants you to set up a Nativity scene to fight banal consumer Christmas

by: Claire Giangravé VATICAN CITY, Dec. 5, 2019 (RNS) — On Thursday (Dec. 5), the Vatican hosted a Christmas tree lighting ceremony ahead of the holidays, but it was theRead More
The use and possession of weapons should be made “immoral” under official Catholic teaching...
Pope says no more nukes —even possessing nuclear weapons is “immoral”

by: Emily Churchill ABOARD THE PAPAL PLANE, Nov. 26, 2019 (RNS) — Pope Francis’ view on nuclear weapons can be summed up in a few simple words. Just say no.Read More
Editor's Links of Interest
Pacific Garden Mission Serves Thanksgiving Dinner For 1,000 People: ‘I’m So Grateful To Be Here’ – WBBM News Radio
Pacific Garden Mission cooked Thanksgiving meal for 1,000 of its residents experiencing homelessness or addiction. Source: Pacific Garden Mission Serves Thanksgiving Dinner For 1,000 People: ‘I’m So Grateful To BeRead More