John Ross
Updated listing... 04/26/20
Aurora churches Online/Live Streaming of Sunday worship (as of 4/26/20)

Listings of Aurora Churches Online/Live Streaming of Sunday Worship Service ++++++++++++ First Presbyterian Church 10:00 a.m. Warehouse Church 10:00 a.m. Flowing Forth United Methodist Church recorded accessRead More
African-American (Black) cases were almost 50% above their population base (10.1%) at 14.73%.
New City of Aurora numbers reveal racial makeup of COVID-19 cases

AURORA, Ill., April 21, 2021 — New City of Aurora data on COVID-19 shows that 44.57% of cases were of a Hispanic background. This number follows pretty much their populationRead More
Editor's Links of Interest
Crosby: Grocery help offered in Aurora for those affected by the pandemic – The Beacon-News
Impacted themselves by the the coronavirus outbreak, two Aurorans start a food distribution coalition specifically for restaurant workers and others impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Source: Crosby: Grocery help offeredRead More
Updated listing... 04/19/20
Aurora churches Online/Live Streaming of Sunday worship (as of 4/19/20)

Listings of Aurora Churches Online/Live Streaming of Sunday Worship Service ++++++++++++ First Presbyterian Church 10:00 a.m. Warehouse Church 10:00 a.m. Flowing Forth United Methodist Church recorded accessRead More
Relevant, based in Orlando, Florida, announced Strang’s return...
Relevant magazine founder returns from sabbatical promising ‘healthier organization’

by: Jack Jenkins April 16, 2020 (RNS) — Cameron Strang, the founder of the evangelical Christian media company Relevant, has returned as CEO more than six months after criticism ofRead More
Mohler said he has decided to vote for Trump in November...
Opinion: Mohler’s turn to Trump is the crowning flip-flop of his career

by: Paul O’Donnell (Jonathan Merritt) April 17, 2020 (RNS) — One of the most prominent evangelical leaders in the #NeverTrump movement has defected to the Trump loyalist side. After breakingRead More
"Our concern is rooted in our Christian belief that each human life is made in the image of God..."
Top evangelicals urge release of some immigration detainees during virus

by: Paul O’Donnell NEW YORK, April 14, 2020 (AP) — Nine leaders at evangelical Christian organizations are urging the Trump administration to release people from immigration detention facilities “who doRead More
The lawsuit, which was filed in federal court on Monday (April 13),...
Student files class-action lawsuit against Liberty University over pandemic response

by: Jack Jenkins April 14, 2020 (RNS) — A student at Liberty University, an evangelical Christian school, has filed a class-action lawsuit against the school alleging that students were putRead More