John Ross
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Aurora churches Online/Live Streaming of Sunday worship (as of 6/07/20)

Thousands of Chicago’s faithful marched Tuesday evening (June 2) in remembrance of George Floyd and other African Americans who have died as a result of police brutality, systemic racism and injustice.
‘The church will not be silent’: Clergy lead thousands in peaceful protest on Chicago’s South Side

Authorities also expelled at least one Episcopal priest and a seminarian from the church’s patio.
Ahead of Trump Bible photo op, police forcibly expel priest from St. John’s church near White House

The bible teaches us that “God is love.”
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s statement on President Donald Trump’s use of St. John’s, Holy Bible

The protesters appeared to be acting peacefully before they were dispersed by force.
Trump’s Bible walk to church was an act of ‘sacrilege,’ says former Bush advisor

[T]he decision to require worshipers to wear masks stems from research...
Churches grapple with whether to require masks

The Fox Valley Christian Ministerial Alliance (FVCMA) raises its voice today in support of George Floyd and condemns the police brutality that led to his death
Aurora-based clergy group issues statement on the Minneapolis situation

Updated listing... 05/03/20
Aurora churches Online/Live Streaming of Sunday worship (as of 5/29/20)

[A]n Indian-Canadian named Ravi Zacharias was beginning to see that Western culture was fast becoming a "post-Christendom" society...
Opinion: How Ravi Zacharias changed the way evangelism is done

We need to look at our preaching and teaching and use this as an opportunity to insert into our preaching and teaching the elements of justice and reconciliation...
Efrem Smith on the death of George Floyd and what divides white and black Christians