John Ross
But according to a new report released Friday (July 10) from two Christian groups, the president is falling short of that goal when it comes to Christian refugees.
Evangelical, Catholic leaders say Trump has left persecuted Christians in danger

Blackmon pinned the investigation on “a handful of injudicious comments”...
Racial slur, ‘The Idiot’s Guide to Kama Sutra’ led to chaplain’s firing, says Wheaton College

[A]nnounced that any land not inhabited by Christians was open to be “discovered” by Christian rulers...
Opinion: To fight racism, we need to confront religion’s racist past

The slow move to online technology by some Black churches has been attributed in part to an aging hierarchy.
Opinion: Black churches have lagged in moving online during COVID – reaching across generations could help

Willow Creek, for example, is listed as using the funds to retain 353 employees and Life.Church as retaining 451 employees.
Willow Creek, Life.Church among churches that received millions in PPP loans

This is the second stroke Campolo has suffered. His first occurred in April 2002.
Tony Campolo, beloved pastor and social activist, recovering from stroke

“I say it with a sad sense of the disparity between us,” Douglass said, “I am not included within the pale of glorious anniversary!"
Opinion: The Fourth of July: Time to celebrate or lament?

“God answers prayer,” said Jackson, president of the General Missionary Baptist State Convention.
Some question replacing Mississippi’s Confederate symbol with ‘In God We Trust’

The court’s 5-4 ruling, with conservatives in the majority, came in a dispute over a Montana scholarship program...
Supreme Court lifts ban on state aid to religious schooling

“We lament this situation and pray for all who have been affected by these events, as well as for Reverend Blackmon and his family.”
Wheaton College chaplain fired over allegations of ‘racial and sexual’ comments