Al Benson
The installation and materials donations are part of a national partnership between GAF and Habitat for Humanity International...
Donated roofing to begin on Aurora Habitat for Humanity homes Monday
MONTGOMERY, IL, July 19, 2020 — At 9:30 a.m. Monday, July 20, Lake Forest-based Custom Installations, Inc., and GAF will partner with Fox Valley Habitat for Humanity to roof aRead More
Habitat officials will discuss how churches and other faith communities can support construction of the third annual Faith Build
Learn About Aurora-area Habitat for Humanity 2019 Faith Build at information meeting Saturday, Jan. 19

MONTGOMERY, Ill., Jan. 14, 2019–Area faith communities are invited to learn about Fox Valley Habitat for Humanity’s 2019 Faith Build, a local home building project sponsored by churches. An informationRead More
Rev. John Bell, Wesley pastor, thanked Chase for her service...
Musical retirement tribute: Surprise concert salutes 15-year Methodist music director

AURORA, Ill., Jan. 8, 2019–Lucinda “Cindy” Chase of Aurora was surprised Sunday (Jan. 6, 2018) with a concert by congregants at Wesley United Methodist Church in Aurora. Chase had beenRead More
The dedication ceremony culminates work on Thursdays and Saturdays by 300 volunteers from the Chicago area.
Aurora Habitat for Humanity to dedicate 62nd home Jan. 13

MONTGOMERY, Ill., Dec. 28, 2018—With music, presentations and an open house, Fox Valley Habitat for Humanity will dedicate its 62nd home on Sunday, Jan. 13, at 2 p.m. at 1551Read More
a five-Sunday sermon series including clips from classic holiday films...
Aurora Methodist pastor stages ‘Christmas at the Movies’

AURORA, Ill., Dec. 3, 2018—An Aurora Methodist pastor is getting creative with his December sermons. “Christmas at the Movies,” a five-Sunday sermon series including clips from classic holiday films, wasRead More