Today at 5 p.m.... discussing/your comments 9-11... 20 years later on The John Ross Show
Remembering 9-11… 20 years-ago (discussing/your comments at 5 p.m. today)

The northeast face of Two World Trade Center (south tower) after being struck by plane in the south face.
Image is a cropped version of File:UA Flight 175 hits WTC south tower 9-11.
Robert on Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Today (Sept. 5) at 5 p.m…. discussing 9-11… 20 years later on The John Ross Show
John Ross on Saturday, April 23, 2016 launched XPian News, a part of Daybreak Communications, Inc. Ross is the facilitator of Aurora Christian Ministry Network (ACMN) and a member of the Fox Valley Christian Ministerial Alliance (FVCMA). He serves on the boards of Wayside Cross Ministries and the Kiwanis Club of Aurora. As a follower of Jesus, he has been for some 40 years a member of First Presbyterian Church - Aurora. He has an M.A. - Christian Leadership from Wheaton College Graduate School and undergraduate at Trinity International University.
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