Pastor Matt Mull said children through fifth grade are invited.
This Saturday: Aurora church to hide 3,200 eggs for Easter Egg Scramble

AURORA, Ill., March 12, 2021— Aurora Advent Christian Church, 905 N. Edgelawn Drive, will hold it’s sixth annual Easter Egg Scramble at 11 a.m. Saturday, March 27.

Pastor Matt Mull said children through fifth grade are invited. Admission and parking are free. Participants are asked to wear masks for protection of all.
The Scramble will be held on the church’s north lawn. Children will hunt 3,200 plastic eggs by age groups, with youngest children going first.
Eggs will contain candy, toys and prize tickets. Congregants have been requested to donate toys, sports balls, bubble sets, kites, gift cards for fast-food restaurants and children’s Bibles for prizes.
After the Scramble, children can exchange tickets for prizes and turn in empty eggs.
Last year’s Scramble and traditional pre-hunt indoor activities, including refreshments and a reading of the Biblical story of Easter, were canceled due to the pandemic.
Call (630) 896-1963 for more information.
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Al Benson
Al Benson is an Aurora-based freelance photo-journalist. He is currently an archives research specialist at Aurora University. His work has appeared in The Voice, The Daily Herald, The Beacon-News, and the Chicago Tribune.
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