On Lehnertz Avenue from Sheridan Avenue to Ohio Street, the display depicts the Biblical story of Christmas...

Aurora opens Lehnertz Avenue drive-through Christmas story display

AURORA, Ill., Dec. 13, 2020 — A 69th annual Lehnertz Avenue drive-through Christmas story display on Aurora’s far East side opened at 6 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 13, when Father Matthew McMorrow of Aurora’s St. Joseph Catholic Church blessed a manger scene, the display’s centerpiece.

The public is invited. Admission is free from 5 to 10 p.m. to Jan. 1. The blessing was live streamed on Facebook and Instagram. A recording will be posted on Facebook.

Before introducing Fr. McMorrow, Lisa Hardekopf, Lehnertz Avenue Homeowners’ Association president, reflected on how her great-grandparents and grandparents lived on the street where she became a homeowner in 2009. She expressed appreciation to volunteers and homeowners who make the display possible.

Fr. McMorrow led a prayer, a litany and group singing of several Christmas hymns before blessing the stable.

On Lehnertz Avenue from Sheridan Avenue to Ohio Street, the display depicts the Biblical story of Christmas with recorded music, large lighted storybooks and life-size statues and cutouts of shepherds, sheep and wisemen placed on 45 Lehnertz Avenue residents’ lawns.

As a crowd watches, a videographer, left, Sunday, Dec. 13, livestreams blessing of a 69th annual Lehnertz Avenue Christmas story display in Aurora with music, statues and wooden cutouts on 45 neighbors’ lawns.(Al Benson photo)

On Lehnertz Circle, a block east across Ohio Street, visitors can drive by “A Snoopy Christmas,” holiday scenes featuring Peanuts cartoon characters. The display began in 1979 when the homes on the circle were built.

Donations are accepted at gofundme.com/f/christmasst, 630-800-7524 or Facebook to maintain display decorations.

The Lehnertz Avenue Christmas display began 69 years ago when 33 families living on the two block long street decided to tell the Christmas story through decorations the families made themselves. According to a Dec. 18, 1955 Chicago Tribune article, “…the annual project has become symbolic of neighborhood spirit of good will toward men.”

The article also cites the display’s popularity from the beginning, “…in 1954, the display attracted 18,000 cars during the three-week holiday season.” Everyone helped with the displays, even young girls participated by loaning a doll for the day that was used to represent the Christ child in the manger.

The tradition continues today with residents of Lehnertz Ave still assembling the stable, a backdrop of Bethlehem and the star and residents up and down the street displaying their part of the story of the first Christmas.

Lights are on from 5 to 10 p.m. nightly and all night on Christmas Eve through Jan. 1, 2021.

Visit facebook.com/LehnertzAveChristmas/about/ for more information.

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