Food will be placed in vehicle trunks or backseats by pantry staff
Aurora food pantry drive-thru giveaway Friday

AURORA, Ill., Aug. 24, 2020 — Aurora Area Interfaith Food Pantry, 1110 Jericho Rd. in Aurora, will hold a drive-thru food giveaway Friday, Aug. 28, from 4 to 7 p.m.,
The public is invited. Food is free. Items include meat, produce, dairy and sliced bread, French bread, rolls or buns, pasta and potatoes.
Food will be placed in vehicle trunks or backseats by pantry staff. Parking attendants will give instructions.
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Al Benson
Al Benson is an Aurora-based freelance photo-journalist. He is currently an archives research specialist at Aurora University. His work has appeared in The Voice, The Daily Herald, The Beacon-News, and the Chicago Tribune.
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