Rev. Derek Rogers, Flowing Forth pastor, said the sermon series profiling secondary Advent characters...

Aurora Methodists to explore ‘B-list’ Advent characters in sermon series, Bible study

AURORA, Ill., Nov. 19, 2019—Flowing Forth United Methodist Church in Aurora will celebrate the Advent season with “B-List Christmas,” a sermon series about secondary Advent characters and a four-part Bible study of lesser known characters from the Gospel of Luke.

The public is invited. Parking is free. A freewill collection is taken. Services are held at Aurora Christian School, 2255 Sullivan Rd. in Aurora.

Rev. Derek Rogers, Flowing Forth pastor, said the sermon series profiling secondary Advent characters will be presented on four Sundays at 10 a.m. and a Christmas-eve service at 4 p.m. The schedule is:

  • Dec. 1: Luke
  • Dec. 8: Zechariah
  • Dec. 15: Elizabeth
  • Dec. 22: Simeon and Anna
  • Dec. 24: Christmas Eve (4 p.m.)

Rev. Rogers said, “When we think about Christmas we tend to think about the main characters.  There are the proud parents Mary and Joseph.  There is the divine messenger angel Gabriel.

“There are the supporting—but still important—characters the shepherds and magi. And of course, there is the star of the whole show, the baby Jesus.

“But there are lesser known characters in the Christmas story.  I call them the B-List. This Advent we’ll look to these people in the shadows of the story, and listen for what they have to teach us about the meaning of Christmas.”

Additionally, Rev. Rogers announced a four-session Advent Bible study focusing on lesser known characters from the Gospel of Luke: Luke, Zechariah, Elizabeth, Simeon and Anna. The schedule is from 9 to 10 a.m. Sundays Dec. 1, 8, 15 and 22 before worship services at ACS.

To register for the Bible study, e-mail

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Al Benson
Freelance Photo-Journalist

Al Benson is an Aurora-based freelance photo-journalist. He is currently an archives research specialist at Aurora University. His work has appeared in The Voice, The Daily Herald, The Beacon-News, and the Chicago Tribune.

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