Cultural items exhibited in tabletop displays by church members...

Displaying diversity: Aurora Methodists showcase congregants’ cultures.

AURORA, Ill., Sept. 23, 2019 — Showcasing ethnic food and cultural artifacts from 10 countries, congregants at Wesley United Methodist Church in Aurora celebrated Heritage Sunday Sept. 22.
Lekha Cristanujaya of Oswego coordinated the first-ever heritage celebration in the church parlor during a social hour between worship services. The public was invited.
Cultural items exhibited in tabletop displays by church members represented Bolivia, Germany, India, South Korea, Philippines and Romania. Food samples, homemade and store bought, represented Mexico (pastries), Sweden (rice pudding with lingonberries) and the United States (sweet potato chips).
Heritage Sunday at Wesley UMC
DeKalb resident Kaci Nicholson-Rigaud, left, and Lekha Cristanujaya, Oswego, view Mexican style pastries during Heritage Sunday Sept. 22 at Wesley United Methodist Church in Aurora. (Al Benson photo)
Exhibitors ranged from seniors to 13-year-old Wesley Akyea of Oswego, a student at Murphy Junior High School in Plainfield. He donned a Ghanian style cloak to interpret his display that featured a poster with photos and text.
Rev. John Bell, church pastor, said “Wesley is unique among area Protestant churches in our rich diversity. We invited congregants to help display our diversity on this special day.”
Call (630) 896-1033 for more information.

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Al Benson
Freelance Photo-Journalist

Al Benson is an Aurora-based freelance photo-journalist. He is currently an archives research specialist at Aurora University. His work has appeared in The Voice, The Daily Herald, The Beacon-News, and the Chicago Tribune.

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