Day: May 29, 2019
The New York Times, The Beacon-News, Chicago Tribune, The Voice, and other media covering Waysides's new resident.
Update: The NY Times joins the coverage Wayside Cross Ministries’ ministry and Thomas Kokoraleis
AURORA, Ill., April 20, 2019 – Now the national media is covering the situation of the residence of prison-released murder Thomas Kokoraleis at Aurora’s Christian ministry… Wayside Cross Ministries. TheRead More
This is the 20th season for the co-ed league and it’s completely free for participating children ages 6-12.
It’s opening day for Wayside’s summer youth baseball… June 1
Aurora, Ill., May 24, 2019 — It’s opening day for two hundred at-risk kids in Aurora. Every year, children of deserving families in Aurora experience the joy of baseball in aRead More