Tag: World Relief
In recent weeks, several faith-based organizations involved in refugee resettlement had asked the administration to raise that number to its past average: 95,000.
Faith-based organizations express outrage over plan to cut refugee admissions to historic low — again

A victory and more challenges... You can help.
Letter from the Evangelical Immigration Table

In their letter, [Russell] Moore and the other EIT members asked Trump to urge leaders in Congress "publicly and consistently" to adopt a measure that establishes a pathway for Dreamers...
Moore, others ask Trump not to rescind DACA

But according to a new report released Friday (July 10) from two Christian groups, the president is falling short of that goal when it comes to Christian refugees.
Evangelical, Catholic leaders say Trump has left persecuted Christians in danger

Discussion and prayer for the multi-ethnic church in Chicagoland
World Relief luncheon discusses multi-ethnic churches

“We remain concerned for the persecuted religious minorities who will not be allowed into the U.S..."
President Trump Signs FY 2020 Presidential Determination, World Relief Responds

Leading refugee resettlement organization urges administration to resume refugee admissions as soon as possible
World Relief Laments Zero Refugee Admissions in October 2019

Yesterday marked the end of the first full month in decades in which the U.S. resettled zero refugees.
Opinion: Trump’s refugee cap compromises the US economy and American identity

That’s the lowest number of admissions a president has set since the refugee resettlement program started in the 1980s.
Drop in refugee admissions met with outcry from faith-based resettlement agencies