Tag: Turkey
...to remain in prison until a fourth court hearing Oct. 12.
Still jailed in Turkey, Brunson gave ‘bold’ witness

by David Roach ALIAGA, Turkey, July 19, 2018 (BP) — American pastor Andrew Brunson’s continued imprisonment in Turkey following a July 18 court hearing is probably an act of politicalRead More
Trial to Re-Start Monday, May 7
Brunson’s trial highlights Turkey’s ‘hostage diplomacy’ tactic | World Watch Monitor
On the eve of jailed US pastor Andrew Brunson’s second court hearing in Turkey, growing international comment has focused on Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s transparent “hostage diplomacy” tactic, oneRead More
Call to Prayer and Fasting - Weekend May 4- 6
This weekend… Evangelical Presbyterian Church Leader Encourages Prayer/Fasting for Andrew Brunson

Letter from EPC Stated Clerk Dr. Jeff Jeremiah – April 30, 2018 Dear EPC leader, I hope you saw our announcement on EPConnection and social media about this weekend’s CallRead More
Call to Prayer and Fasting - Weekend May 4- 6
Evangelical Presbyterian Church Leader’s Letter on Prayer/Fasting for Andrew Brunson

Letter from EPC Stated Clerk Dr. Jeff Jeremiah – April 30, 2018 Dear EPC leader, I hope you saw our announcement on EPConnection and social media about this weekend’sRead More
Turkey listed as a Tier 2 country.
USCIRF Releases 2018 Annual Report, Recommends 16 Countries be Designated “Countries of Particular Concern”

Washington, D.C., April 25, 2018 – Today the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) released its 2018 Annual Report, documenting religious freedom violations and progress in 28 countries during calendarRead More