Tag: President Trump
[A]ffirmed by more than 8,000 evangelical pastors and leaders throughout the country...
Evangelical Leaders Call for an End to the Shutdown through Bipartisan Immigration Compromise

January 14, 2019 WASHINGTON, D.C. — Evangelical leaders sent letters to President Trump and members of Congress today encouraging an end to the government shutdown through bipartisan immigration compromise, and urging the House,Read More
Comment on President Trump's Speech
World Relief Press Statement on President Trump’s Comments

January 8, 2018 Baltimore, Md. – Following President Trump’s Oval Office address, World Relief calls for bipartisan immigration reforms that will both improve border security and improve the process byRead More
Editor's Links of Interest
EDITORIAL: A migrant girl dies at the border. She was no terrorist, Mr. President – Chicago Sun-Times
Border Patrol agents should never forget how fragile life is on the border. And Donald Trump does us all a disservice when he mischaracterizes it. Source: EDITORIAL: A migrant girlRead More
“Now it is critical for Members of the Senate to act in a swift manner to pass this amended bill.”
Prison Fellowship Responds to Agreement on FIRST STEP Act Language

Washington, D.C., Nov. 14, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Prison Fellowship, the nation’s largest Christian nonprofit serving prisoners, former prisoners, and their families, released the following statement after the White House andRead More
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