Tag: Pope Francis
World Council joins Graham in appeal for an Easter cease-fire
World Council of Churches urges Patriarch Kirill to lobby for Easter cease-fire

The pope’s alleged remarks constitute an apparent rejection of some conservative Catholics in the U.S.
Biden: Pope called me a ‘good Catholic,’ said to ‘keep receiving Communion’

In August, Pope Francis joined bishops in North and South America to encourage faithful and nonfaithful alike to receive the vaccine, calling it “an act of love.”
Pope Francis, emeritus pope among group given third dose of COVID-19 vaccine

A small but vocal minority wants to punish the new president for his support of legalized abortion...
Catholic bishops split on how to deal with Biden – Opinion

“The gift is completely free, unearned by any of us, pure grace.”
Pope Francis: “Tonight (Christmas eve) cannot be explained in any other way: it is purely grace.”

The pandemic's repercussions on life dominated Francis' reflections on the past year.
Pope on Christmas: Vaccines for all; needy, vulnerable first

In Rome, the Via Crucis procession usually takes place late in the evening on Good Friday in the shadow of the Colosseum.
Pope Francis shines a light on prisoners during Good Friday’s unusual Via Crucis

The Urbi et Orbi, meaning to the city and the world, is a blessing usually delivered by the Roman pontiff at Christmas and Easter.
Pope Francis says ‘We are all in the same boat,’ during Urbi et Orbi ceremony

The book is scheduled to be released in mid-February, but an excerpt was published on Monday (Jan. 13) by the French daily Le Figaro.
Retired Pope Benedict promotes priestly celibacy in new book, suggesting rift between two popes