Tag: Pope Benedict XVI
In August, Pope Francis joined bishops in North and South America to encourage faithful and nonfaithful alike to receive the vaccine, calling it “an act of love.”
Pope Francis, emeritus pope among group given third dose of COVID-19 vaccine

by: Claire Giangravé VATICAN CITY, Oct. 27, 2021 (RNS) — Pope Francis and Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI likely received the third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine in October, according toRead More
The book is scheduled to be released in mid-February, but an excerpt was published on Monday (Jan. 13) by the French daily Le Figaro.
Retired Pope Benedict promotes priestly celibacy in new book, suggesting rift between two popes

by: Claire Giangravé VATICAN CITY, Jan. 13, 2020 (RNS) — Former Pope Benedict XVI, who once vowed to remain hidden from the world after resigning, is once more speaking out.Read More