Tag: Pew Research Center
The survey of 6,485 U.S. adults polled online in September...
Survey: Americans think bad things just happen; God is not responsible

Among Catholics overall, Biden — himself a Catholic — fought Trump to a stalemate
Study: Trump expanded evangelical support in 2020, but Biden gained with other white Christians

When Aten, executive director of the Humanitarian Disaster Institute at Wheaton College, began to urge his fellow evangelicals to get vaccinated, however, things got ugly.
For evangelical leader Jamie Aten, advocating for vaccines led to a death threat

As troubling, white evangelicals are the least likely to say they should consider the health effects on their community when making a decision to be vaccinated.
Black Protestants aren’t least likely to get a vaccine; white evangelicals are

Perhaps not surprisingly, nearly half of white evangelicals in the U.S. (49%) said their faith grew stronger...
Survey: Americans most likely to say pandemic has boosted their faith

A total of 294 House and Senate members are Protestant Christians, out of a possible 535...
117th Congress, like the old, is overwhelmingly Christian, heavily Protestant

That’s the finding in the latest Pew Research poll, which found that 63% of Americans say churches and other houses of worship should stay out of politics...
Americans to religious organizations: Stay out of politics

Yesterday marked the end of the first full month in decades in which the U.S. resettled zero refugees.
Opinion: Trump’s refugee cap compromises the US economy and American identity

Put another way, people aren’t leaving faith, but they are actively leaving Christianity.
Opinion: Christianity as we know it is dying. Let’s welcome the new life ahead.