Tag: pandemic
Eight in 10 U.S. churches now provide hybrid services...
Amid COVID-19, most churches provide hybrid worship, half stopped picnics

The pope’s alleged remarks constitute an apparent rejection of some conservative Catholics in the U.S.
Biden: Pope called me a ‘good Catholic,’ said to ‘keep receiving Communion’

Of the seismic changes brought by COVID-19, the expansion of online platforms for churches is perhaps the biggest.
Churches’ embrace of technology likely permanent

“Our tutors and students have made the best of a very difficult situation...”
Pandemic Pivoting: Dominican Literacy Center adapts

Feucht’s New Year’s Eve events come as Los Angeles County is experiencing a surge in COVID-19 cases...
Homeless advocates organize against Sean Feucht’s upcoming outreach in Skid Row

Now his advice from a later letter, written in the midst of a 1527 pandemic, once again is making the rounds.
Martin Luther’s pandemic advice goes viral — 500 years later

Some expect decreased in-person attendance to be permanent.
Pandemic prompts churches to consider permanent changes

“Their co-morbidities contribute to their outcome, but it’s not their cause of death. COVID is the cause of death.”
John MacArthur claimed there is ‘no pandemic.’ He was politicizing science, experts say

The novel coronavirus pandemic strikes at the heart of human behavior...
A conversation with Father James Martin: ‘Why did God let this happen?’