In our 50-year history as a denomination, anyway, almost nothing about us has been “united.”
Opinion: Why United Methodist Church’s plan for separation is good for everyone

by: Paul O’Donnell Jan. 13, 2020 (RNS) — My tribe has been in the news … again. On January 3, nearly every major news outlet reported on the United MethodistRead More
The Book of Discipline states that “the practice of homosexuality is incompatible with Christian teaching”...
Dissent from Traditional Plan dominates United Methodists’ top court meeting

by: Emily McFarlan Miller CHICAGO, Nov. 2, 2019 (RNS) — Earlier this year the United Methodist Church’s top court upheld much of the Traditional Plan strengthening the denomination’s language barringRead More
Evangelical Covenant Church has voted to remove a congregation
Evangelical denomination expels entire congregation over LGBT policy

by: Yonat Shimron June 28, 2019 (RNS) — For the first time in its 134-year history, the Evangelical Covenant Church has voted to remove a congregation from its roster overRead More
But as a lifelong Methodist, he said, he saw an unmistakable change in the attitudes of the delegates at the special session in St. Louis.
Bishop Will Willimon on why no plan can unite United Methodists

by: Yonat Shimron Feb 26, 2019 (RNS) — Will Willimon, a prominent theologian and a retired bishop of the United Methodist Church’s North Alabama Conference, has some choice words forRead More
But that doesn't mean the proposal is dead, according to supporters.
United Methodist committee rejects One Church Plan, which would allow LGBT clergy

by: Emily McFarlan Miller, Feb 25, 2019 ST. LOUIS (RNS) — In a surprise, the plan recommended by the United Methodist Church’s Council of Bishops was rejected Monday (Feb. 25)Read More
Those delegates ranked a discussion of the church's pension plan as their top priority...
United Methodists vote pensions, “Traditional Plan” as top priorities

by: Emily McFarlan Miller, Feb 25, 2019 ST. LOUIS (RNS) — Delegates to a special session of the United Methodist Church decided Sunday (Feb. 24) to start deliberations over theRead More
Currently, the denomination’s rulebook, the Book of Discipline, includes language that bars...
The ‘Splainer: What’s the United Methodist special session all about?

The ’Splainer (as in, “You’ve got some ’splaining to do”) is an occasional feature in which RNS gives you everything you need to know about current events to help youRead More