Tag: Jack Graham
Graham, one of the president’s evangelical advisers, felt that Moore’s criticisms of Trump and his evangelical supporters was out of bounds.
Dispute over Russell Moore, politics, Trump and money for missions behind ERLC review

by: Yonat Shimron Feb. 20, 2020 (RNS) — Jack Graham believes in the Southern Baptist Convention. He’s a former president of the nation’s largest Protestant denomination and once traveled theRead More
This week SBC adherents watched in (near) terror as prominent Southern Baptist pastors... tweeted their approval...
Opinion: Trump-drunk tweets touting Paula White book reshape what we expect of SBC pastors

by: Costi W. Hinn Oct. 18, 2019 (RNS) — Once upon a time, evangelical leaders in the Southern Baptist Convention (and beyond) were an unwavering group. Touting the authority ofRead More
This is fearmongering cleverly disguised as a message to take spiritual comfort in the will of a sovereign God.
RNS Opinion: Trump evangelicals bewail ‘civil war’ while still profiting from last one

by: John Fea Oct. 3, 2019 (RNS) — In 2016, I used the term “court evangelicals” to describe the evangelical Christians who frequent the White House to pray for PresidentRead More
A timely video commentary.
John H. Armstrong: Nationalism, Patriotism, Wealth and Revival – A Toxic Anti-Christian Brew (video)