Tag: Hesham Shehab
Critique of the Muslim Educational Cultural Center of America
Hesham Shehab: Recent extremist speakers reflect Islamic Cultural Center’s Roots in Islamism

Kamani has a long history of misogynistic and violent statements...
Hesham Shehab: Hate Preachers Fundraised for Chicago Islamic Charity with a Dark Past

Will provided “higher Islamic education to the American Muslim community..."
Hesham Shehab: New Chicago Islamist College to Perpetuate Radical Ideologies

The number one tragedy to have befallen the Middle East, as a result of 9/11, was the Iraq war.
Hesham Shehab: 18 Years after 9/11, the World Still Suffer Consequences

Liberals in some Protestant churches, and leftist professors at American campuses, have championed the BDS with zeal.
Hesham Shehab: BDS Compromises Christian Theology

Darwish told the audience he is running for Congress after having lived in the Palestinian territories...
Hesham Shehab: Another Radical Palestinian for U.S. Congress?

Arab-Americans do not need Islamists...
Shehab opinion… Chicago-based Palestinian Activist: Israel is a Western Dagger Tearing the Middle East

The Palestinian activist opined that the failure of that experiment in Egypt is not an excuse to give up [on the struggle for Islamist goals] .
Hesham Shehab: Chicago Islamists – Israel, Head of the Snake, Morsi’s Removal Western conspiracy

Commenting on the death of Morsi, a leader of the Muslim Brotherhood...
Opinion: Anti-Semitic Chicago Imam… After Morsi, Israel will Wreak Havoc to Expand