Tag: Flowing Forth United Methodist Church
Rev. Derek Rogers, Flowing Forth pastor, said the sermon series profiling secondary Advent characters...
Aurora Methodists to explore ‘B-list’ Advent characters in sermon series, Bible study

AURORA, Ill., Nov. 19, 2019—Flowing Forth United Methodist Church in Aurora will celebrate the Advent season with “B-List Christmas,” a sermon series about secondary Advent characters and a four-part BibleRead More
Rev. Rogers and other attendees learned about potential next steps for the UMC denomination...
Aurora pastor explores future of Methodism

AURORA, Ill., Oct. 2, 2019 — Rev. Derek Rogers, pastor of Flowing Forth United Methodist Church in Aurora, was among 3,000 church leaders from across the nation who met inRead More
The prayer booth is the Aurora market's first in its 100-year history, Illinois' oldest.
Aurora Methodists’ prayer booth for people, pets at downtown farmer’s market

AURORA, Ill., July 5, 2019—Aurora Methodists will pray for people and pets at a sixth annual prayer booth on July 20 and Aug. 17 at the downtown Aurora farmer’s market,Read More
Aurora's Flowing Forth United Methodist Church will celebrate its first birthday
Aurora church plans two-Sunday birthday party

AURORA, Ill., July 1, 2019 — Aurora’s Flowing Forth United Methodist Church will celebrate its first birthday with a two-Sunday celebration opening Sunday, July 7. Rev. Derek Rogers, pastor, saidRead More
Domestic mission trips are designed to create opportunities for students to engage in either relational ministry or construction work.
Aurora Methodists to lend assistance to Oklahoma City tornado victims

AURORA, Ill., June 3, 2019 — Inspired by Jesus’ teachings to serve others, 20 volunteers from Aurora’s Flowing Forth United Methodist Church will spend June 8-16 at Oklahoma City toRead More
With college students from around the nation, the Aurora team will serve families in need on the border in Reynosa and Miguel Aleman, Mexico.
Aurora Methodists to assist Mexico poor

by Al Benson AURORA, Ill., May 19, 2019–Aurora Methodists will give an assist to Mexico poor. On Sunday, Rev. Derek Rogers, pastor at Flowing Forth United Methodist Church inRead More
Pastor Derek Rogers opened the ceremony by introducing confirmands to the congregation.
New Aurora church celebrates first youth members

AURORA, Ill., May 6, 2019–Flowing Forth United Methodist Church in Aurora, formed in October, confirmed its first youth members Sunday. During worship services at Aurora Christian School, Pastor DerekRead More