Tag: Donald Trump
This is fearmongering cleverly disguised as a message to take spiritual comfort in the will of a sovereign God.
RNS Opinion: Trump evangelicals bewail ‘civil war’ while still profiting from last one

by: John Fea Oct. 3, 2019 (RNS) — In 2016, I used the term “court evangelicals” to describe the evangelical Christians who frequent the White House to pray for PresidentRead More
The former head of the CIA identified what he called the worst offenders of principles of religious freedom...
In Rome, Pompeo and Brownback invoke glory days of US-Vatican alliance

by: Claire Giangravé VATICAN CITY, Oct. 2, 2019 (RNS) — U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo took part in a symposium with high-ranking Vatican officials on Wednesday (Oct. 2) toRead More
That’s the lowest number of admissions a president has set since the refugee resettlement program started in the 1980s.
Drop in refugee admissions met with outcry from faith-based resettlement agencies

by: Emily McFarlan Miller Sept. 27, 2019 (RNS) — The Trump administration’s announcement that it would once again slash refugee admissions to the United States to unprecedented lows was metRead More
Global Christian humanitarian organization mourns the proposed Presidential Determination and urges the White House not to abandon refugees
World Relief Denounces Proposed FY2020 Refugee Cap of 18,000

BALTIMORE, Md. – Today, the Trump administration announced its intention to set a refugee ceiling of just 18,000 for FY 2020. World Relief strongly opposes this cut to the nation’sRead More
Editor's Links of Interest
Trump Administration Drastically Cuts Number Of Refugees Allowed To Enter The U.S. – NPR
The limit of 18,000 represents the lowest number of refugees allowed into the country since the modern refugee program was established in 1980. Source: Trump Administration Drastically Cuts Number OfRead More
Nevertheless, the vitriol of recent months has created misunderstandings about evangelicals themselves.
Opinion: Who’s an evangelical and who gets to decide?

by: Paul O’Donnell Sept. 23, 2019 (RNS) — The most often repeated story about religion and politics these days is the evangelical love affair with Donald Trump. Virtually every weekRead More