Tag: Donald Trump
In recent weeks, several faith-based organizations involved in refugee resettlement had asked the administration to raise that number to its past average: 95,000.
Faith-based organizations express outrage over plan to cut refugee admissions to historic low — again

“It wasn’t so much a debate as a shouting match with no structure,” he [Kyle Meyaard-Schaap] said.
Complaints on Trump’s debate performance highlight generational divide among white evangelicals

If a new number isn’t set by Wednesday (Sept. 30), no refugees will be admitted to the U.S. until the Trump administration's determination of the limit is made.
Lutherans ask Trump administration to admit more refugees as deadline looms

Graham insists the march is not an effort to encourage voting or to rally evangelicals to the polls ahead of the Nov. 3 election.
Franklin Graham borrows a tactic from the left with his Saturday prayer march

[Pastor] Beaman was joined by leaders of the AME denomination, who are preparing a statement decrying the ad to be released on Monday.
Black church leaders demand apology for Trump ad

But the ad, titled “Meet Joe Biden’s Supporters,” ends not with an image of violence, but with slow-motion footage of former Vice President Biden kneeling in a Black church...
Trump campaign ad shows Biden kneeling in Black church to argue Americans ‘won’t be safe’