Tag: COVID-19
“Christian nationalists have indicated over several studies that … they are more likely to believe in conspiracy theories...
How Christian nationalism predicts whether you wear a mask

by: Jack Jenkins Oct. 9, 2020 (RNS) — The divisions that the coronavirus pandemic has caused in the United States — with some viewing social distancing restrictions as sensible andRead More
Among the first to pray: former Vice President Joe Biden, Trump's rival in the current presidential race.
Faith leaders offer prayers as President Trump tests positive for COVID-19

by: Bob Smietana Oct. 2, 2020 (RNS) — As news of President Donald Trump’s positive COVID-19 test spread, prayers began flowing for his recovery and for the recovery of FirstRead More
Flu Season is here! Get your flu shot during #FluShotFridays!
VNA, City to Host Flu Shot Clinics Every Friday in October

AURORA, Ill., Sept. 30, 2020 — As flu season begins amid COVID-19, health officials are raising awareness about the increased importance of flu shots this year due to the ongoingRead More
In 2020, ringers will be trained about social distancing and provided with masks...
Salvation Army starts red kettle program early amid ‘tsunami of human need’ caused by pandemic

by: Adelle M. Banks Sept.14, 2020 (RNS) — The Salvation Army is kicking off its annual red kettle campaign more than two months early this year in hopes of meetingRead More
Since 2010, Kendall County PADS has been providing nutritious meals and safe, temporary housing at seven makeshift shelters from mid-October through mid-April.
Pandemic pushes Kendall County PADS to keep temporary homeless shelters shuttered

By Tom Siebert Assistant Director for Community Relations Public Action to Deliver Shelter (PADS) of Kendall County YORKVILLE, Ill., Sept. 14, 2020 — The continuing COVID-19 health threat has forcedRead More