Tag: Baptist Press
In a complaint filed in Tennessee circuit court...
Ben Zobrist, World Series hero for the Cubs, sues former pastor for alleged affair with his wife

by: Bob Smietana June 21, 2021 (RNS) — Ben Zobrist, who helped the Chicago Cubs break a century-old championship drought, has sued his former pastor for millions in damages. InRead More
“David raped. It’s important we get that right,” she tweeted...
Speaking of abuse: Baptist news service, Bible scholars grapple with language

by: Adelle M. Banks|Oct. 10, 2019 (RNS) — Few Bible scholars would argue that David, the king of Israel, did anything but sin when he had sex with Bathsheba, theRead More
[P]rovide an ultrasound machine for the benefit of women in crisis pregnancies.
NFL’s Watson aids life through Psalm 139

by Tom Strode NEW ORLEANS (BP), Nov. 13, 2018 — National Football League player Benjamin Watson has again joined with the Southern Baptist Convention’s ethics entity to provide an ultrasoundRead More
Per(John) Perkins had experienced something different in the Jim Crow South where churches typically barred black people.
Perkins: The Gospel leads to racial reconciliation

by Gary D. Myers NEW ORLEANS (BP) Nov. 2, 2018 — To achieve true racial reconciliation in the church, Gospel proclamation must remain the central theme, John M. Perkins saidRead More
Most leaders of the National Association of Evangelicals identified as independents
Evangelical poll tallies two-thirds as independents

by Diana Chandler WASHINGTON (BP) Nov. 5, 2018 — Most leaders of the National Association of Evangelicals identified as independents in an NAE poll preceding the 2018 U.S. midterm elections,Read More
The Judiciary Committee's top Democrat, Dianne Feinstein of California, expressed concern about Kavanaugh's seeming willingness to restrict abortion rights
Kavanaugh hearings open, abortion draws spotlight

by David Roach Date: September 04, 2018 – Tuesday WASHINGTON (BP) — Abortion drew the spotlight today (Sept. 4) as the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee’s confirmation hearings opened for judgeRead More