Tag: Abortion
The pope’s alleged remarks constitute an apparent rejection of some conservative Catholics in the U.S.
Biden: Pope called me a ‘good Catholic,’ said to ‘keep receiving Communion’

Specifically, as Balmer shows, it was government interference in “segregation academies”
Randall Balmer on why racism, not abortion, birthed the religious right

Theme: “Together strong, life unites.”
At March for Life, a pivot away from Trump and toward ‘unity’

A small but vocal minority wants to punish the new president for his support of legalized abortion...
Catholic bishops split on how to deal with Biden – Opinion

Throngs of worshipers braved colder temperatures and drizzles of rain in the nation’s capital...
Sean Feucht’s ‘finale’ worship protest on the National Mall included more politics than usual

Standing firmly against abortion is a an important factor in getting their vote...
Abortion over immigration: Trump’s pro-life policies remain paramount for many Latino Catholics

Planned Parenthood of Greater New York (PPGNY) announced Tuesday (July 21) it will remove Sanger’s name from its Manhattan Health Center...
Pro-lifers: More needed to disavow Sanger’s eugenics legacy

Southern Baptist ethicist Russell Moore expressed gratitude for the Senate's intention to vote...
Senate prepares to act on two pro-life bills

Abortions made up 4 percent of the organization's total medical services for the year.
Planned Parenthood reports increased number of abortions