RNS Opinion
White evangelicals are certainly complicit in our country’s history of systemic racism and overt nationalism...
Opinion: Demonizing white evangelicals won’t solve our political divisions
Just prior to Katrina, New Orleans had the second-highest concentration of poverty in the nation.
Opinion: From Katrina to COVID, American crises expose racial injustice again and again
But the speech was profoundly Christian, combining theological concepts from the letters of St. Paul in a powerful way.
Opinion: Joe Biden’s Pauline acceptance speech draws on hope, light and love
[A]nnounced that any land not inhabited by Christians was open to be “discovered” by Christian rulers...
Opinion: To fight racism, we need to confront religion’s racist past
The slow move to online technology by some Black churches has been attributed in part to an aging hierarchy.
Opinion: Black churches have lagged in moving online during COVID – reaching across generations could help
“I say it with a sad sense of the disparity between us,” Douglass said, “I am not included within the pale of glorious anniversary!"
Opinion: The Fourth of July: Time to celebrate or lament?
Clearly, Trump’s support has declined while Biden’s lead, about 5 percentage points in both April and May, jumped to nearly 14 percentage points in June.
Opinion: Surveys suggest protests, not pandemic, have lost Trump white evangelical support
The system of white supremacy corrupts the relationship between white people and people of color.
Opinion: Ahmaud Arbery died for the indefensible principle of white control
Mohler said he has decided to vote for Trump in November...